So I am now in Pretoria Backpackers in South Africa! After a long flight, stopping via Istanbul, which was very very strange to be travelling alone for the first time, I am here. I found it very strange travelling alone because I had no one to talk to for about 14 hours! But never mind. After battling through passport control and security, and a nervous moment trying to find the man I was meant to be meeting, I was met at the airport by the Real Gap rep and one of the girls who would be on the project, Tash, from Dublin, who works at Google! How cool is that?!? I thought she was going to have an amazing Irish accent but no such luck. Quickly arriving after me was Annabel who funnily enough comes from near Reading - isn't it a small world? We then were driven to Pretoria backpackers which was much much nicer than I thought it was going to be, nothing like the naff bunk bed hostels I've stayed in before, we have our own house!
Then we went out for lunch but were told not to go too far so just went down the road to a sports bar where the food was very cheap, before coming back to the hostel and having a well-needed nap. Next, it was orientation where we were told about the project and South Africa in General before having dinner which was rice, vegetables and some sort of sweet sauce, different but very nice.
Now we are just chilling before going to bed as we have to be ready to leave for Brits, the town near the lion cub project at 9.30.
I will try to write tomorrow about our first day and orientation with the lions!
Have a great week my loves!
Lots of Love, Kate xxx
Lots of Love, Kate xxx