
Monday, 23 March 2015

Being Ill at University and the rest...

Now I knew this was bound to happen, I would get ill at university and instantly want my parents to come and look after me. Normally I can battle my way through a lingering cough and the unwanted cold by myself, drugging myself up with all the cough medicines under the sun, but now I have got an ear infection which I have had for nearly two weeks now, and I feel like it is all I can talk about, I can hear my flatmates getting bored of me still complaining about the ringing in my ears and the deafness and yet I still can't stop going on about it. It was such a problem at the weekend, and still is that I had to go to A&E to get antibiotics which haven't worked yet but I'm praying they are going to kick in soon.
This is making me grumpy also because I think everyone is going out tonight and I'm not because I'm ill etc and such a boring person.

Anyways that rant over, I wanted to speak about the fact that we are coming to the end of the second term here at university and soon exams are going to start and first year will be over. I can't believe it is going to be over. I absolutely love it here, my friends are my family and I love being so independent, but with my last essay results received today, I'm not sure if I will be able to make it through next year. I am solidly sitting at a 2:2 which is not good enough for me, and no matter how hard I try I seem to do no better. I'm not sure this whole degree thing is working for me. I know I'm sure everyone has their wobbles but I can't see how I am going to make it better and pick up my game to get to a 2:1 which is what I really want.

Anyway, next time I write hopefully I'll be out of this downer and be feeling better, so bye, for now, my lovelies.

Have a great week my loves!

Lots of Love, Kate xxx

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