
Tuesday, 2 January 2018


Welcome to 2018!

I know last year I said that I wasn't one for always writing overly-motivational posts but there is just something about this year that fills me with a little bit more hope than the last few years... I mean pretty much what could go wrong went wrong in 2016 and 2017, so I think beginning 2018 globally in a more positive way has got to be a good thing, right?

While I'm not one for resolutions, the #newyearnewme was a running joke in my old uni house, shout out 35! Anyway, I'm still not going to make resolutions in the formal sense because let's face it, I have never managed to keep one ever, that doesn't stop me from using the beginning of 2018 to set a few unmeasurable goals.

I think the biggest thing for me over the next few months is the fall back in love with Paris again. There was a point in the last term (around the time when I got my phone stolen) that I was tolerating Paris, it was just somewhere I needed to be for a year to get my Masters and move on, but there is nothing like a few weeks away to get me back into the French way of life. I have made a new and improved Paris list that is growing as long as my arm so I'll look forward to sharing posts about that with you all over the coming weeks. Making the most of being in France, I am making a 2018 goal to try even more to become conversationally fluent in French - I'm getting there - but all that grammar though! Another thing to look forward to, maybe that's the wrong way of looking at it, but Harley and I are going to spend some time up in Calais working with the refugees stuck at the border, further displaced after authorities tore down 'The Jungle'. It's going to be really interesting and hopefully, I can make a difference for at least someone who is stuck in poverty simply because of where they are born - hopefully I can use my privilege for something good.

Also, I'm going to complete my Masters this year - I feel like I've only just started and in 3 months all formal teaching will be over! And I'm going to have to get a proper adult job, I'm not sure I can actually put it off even longer, although I'm also going to try and squeeze in a trip to visit Sabrina in China over the summer while I still have the free time -  so not completely giving up on travelling just yet!

Another goal for this year is to try something new and really give it a go - I'm not sure what this is going to be but I've got a few ideas in the works so I'll let you all know when I've got this little project up and running.

2017 was a difficult year for many people, and personally, it was tough for me losing my grandad, leaving the comforts of uni and moving to another country - but we just have to hope these things will make us all that little be stronger in the end.

What's your #newyearnewme goal?

Have a good week my loves!

Lots of Love, Kate xxx

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